Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences

An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal

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ARTICLE IN Volume 3, 2008 - Number 2

Mineral novelties in soils, formed along the gas pipelines in Slovakia

Marián KOŠUTH1 & Juraj ROLÍK2
1 Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies (B.E.R.G.), Park Komenskeho 15, 043 84 Košice, Slovak Republic, e-mail:,
2 Slovak Gas Industry - Distribution a.s., D-Centrum Košice, Rozvojova 6, 04011 Košice, Slovak Republic, e-mail:

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Presented are selected results, found by the assessment revision of X-ray analyses records. Analyses were made from the bottom soils layers and thin coatings along the older gas pipelines in different regions in Slovakia. In some places the tendencies to form solid crustal were found. Apart of common soil minerals with some amorphous phases, the crystalline coatings, precipitated along the pipelines were analyzed. According to specific local conditions, rare mineral novelties were revealed there. Using the XRD method, the carbonates nahcolite, thermonatrite and also Ca-nesquehonite were determined; beyond its acurate identity also phase sX and amorphous admixtures we found.
  • gas-pipeline
  • soil
  • X-ray
  • diffraction
  • phase
  • analysis
  • mineral
  • novelties

How to cite

Marián KOŠUTH & Juraj ROLÍK (2008). Mineral novelties in soils, formed along the gas pipelines in Slovakia

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