Lead, zinc and copper in the bioaccumulative horizon of soils from Iaşi and the surrounding areas
Cristian Vasilică SECU, Ovidiu Gabriel IANCU & Nicolae BUZGAR
University Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, Bld. Carol I, no 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania, email cristian.secu@gmail.com
University Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, Bld. Carol I, no 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania, email ogiancu@yahoo.com
University Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, Bld. Carol I, no 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania, email nicolae.nizgar@uaic.ro
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Study of distribution of Pb, Zn and Cu in the bioaccumulative horizon of soils in the municipality of Iaşi and its surrounding areas indicates differences of concentration between urban and rural spaces. In the urbanised area, the bulk of the concentration is Pb, with an average of 60.5 mg/kg, and Zn, with an average of 207.2 mg/kg, both elements being associated with urban technosols. Pb has a larger area distribution, being associated with industrial units, the areas flanking roads with heavy traffic, and around fuel dumps. Zn can be observed in obvious concentrations in the industrial zone, with values reaching the lesser sensitive alert threshold (0.29%) or the lesser sensitive intervention threshold (1%). As a result of the position of the industrial zone and the prevailing wind direction, a non-uniform concentration of zinc can be observed in the soils (regosols, erodosols, black earth) at the level of the north-facing slope that flanks the urban zone but also in aluviosols at the level of the River Bahlui flood meadows to the east of Iaşi. Cu, in contrast to the other two elements, has a greater concentration in the viticultural and pomicultural area to the S and N of Iaşi, and is primarily associated with horticultural anthrosols. Tests whose values reached or exceeded the less sensitive intervention threshold are situated in the vineyard to the south of Iaşi (Bucium), which is situated in the vicinity of farm outbuildings (tanks, stores etc.).
- heavy
- metals
- pollution
- soil
- cover
- land
- use
- analysis
How to cite
Cristian Vasilică SECU, Ovidiu Gabriel IANCU & Nicolae BUZGAR (2008). Lead, zinc and copper in the bioaccumulative horizon of soils from Iaşi and the surrounding areas