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DISCRIMINATION OF CONTAMINATED SOURCES AT LANDFILL SITE AT PREDAJNÁ, SLOVAKIA, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, August 2021, Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 341 – 348; DOI:10.26471/cjees/2021/016/179

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Nora JANTÁKOVÁ1*, Rentáta FĽAKOVÁ1, Ondra SRACEK2, Róbert JELÍNEK3 & Jozef KORDÍK3
1Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Hydrogeology, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava 4, Slovak Republic, jantakova2@uniba.sk, renata.flakova@uniba.sk
2Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Geology, 17. listopadu 1192/12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republik, srondra@seznam.cz
3State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Mlynská dolina 3962/1, 817 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, robert.jelinek@geology.sk, jozef.kordik@geology.sk

DISCRIMINATION OF CONTAMINATED SOURCES AT LANDFILL SITE AT PREDAJNÁ, SLOVAKIA, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, August 2021, Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 341 – 348; DOI:10.26471/cjees/2021/016/179

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Groundwater pollution caused by point contamination sources is a common issue in hydrogeology. The combination of different hydrogeochemical methods represents a suitable tool for evaluation of contaminated sites. The study site is located in Central Slovakia, and is contaminated by acid tar, which leaked from the designated landfills Predajná 1 and 2. Through hydrogeochemical analysis relationships among the monitored parameters from the site were determined. The data were classified into several groups, and sampling results were spatially interpreted. Analyses revealed the dissolution of carbonates as the dominant process involved in the formation of the chemical composition of groundwater. The results indicated both inorganic and organic pollution at the study site. The inorganic pollution was evidenced by high values of EC and TDS, Na+, Cl-, and SO42- ions, while organic pollution was represented by TOC and surfactants. The results also indicated that the pollution distribution is likely significantly influenced by the fissure to karst-fissure permeability of the environment.

Keyword: Groundwater pollution; Contaminated Site; Hydrogeochemistry; Slovakia

(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences)